28 Sept 2013

The Story So Far...

Warning: This short piece contains spoilers for anything prior to to the next story...!

The Doctor

This Doctor is an unspecified, future incarnation of the Time Lord. His previous incarnation regenerated when the TARDIS was knocked off course by a proto-Time Lord (see Matthew Cole). The regeneration
went wrong and after he had changed, the Doctor soon discovered that this incarnation was failing and he had no regenerative cells. It will be only a matter of time before he dies, but so far has been able to hold off the inevitable.

Matthew Cole

It is unknown who, but someone sent a proto-Time Lord crashing into the Doctor's TARDIS, knocking it off course and triggering the Doctor's regeneration. A proto-Time Lord is a laboratory created Time Lord soldier who starts life as a blank slate and slowly becomes a person by absorbing the things and people around it.

This particular proto-Time Lord came into contact with the Doctor first and so absorbed his memories. After it was stranded on Earth, it evolved into a Human being and believed itself to be a man named Matthew Cole.

After further contact with the Doctor, both the Doctor and Cole believed him to be a future echo - a Watcher - of the Doctor. It was only on the planet Xanji-For when the Doctor discovered what Cole really was and imprisoned him in stasis until a time when he could find out more information about him.

Caroline Parker

Caroline Parker, companion to the Doctor, was, unbeknownst to her, adopted by Catherine and Tony Parker. She has hidden powers deep down inside of her and has a connection to the strange, ghost-like creatures that have been haunting Thornsby. The Doctor discovered she was adopted after meeting her 15 year old self and then erasing that encounter from Caroline's memory.

Caroline was also pregnant, but the baby disappeared from within her, leaving no trace of it ever having been there.

Danny Lennon

Danny is another companion to the Doctor. He was possessed by one of the Apparites shortly after meeting the Time Lord, and has carried it within him for all of his travels, only recently being able to suppress it with the help of drugs.

Danny lost a brother, Adrian, when he went missing in 2004. Adrian was taken by the Apparites to their world, but Danny has not yet discovered this.

The Apparites and The Ancestors

The Apparites (named by the Doctor) are the ghostly, wraith-like beings that have haunted Thornsby. They bring snow with them and show a huge interest in Caroline.

The Ancestors are a mystery. Known members of the Ancestors are Jayne Robson, Margot Dunlop, Ben Featherstone, April Nivere and Don. Some of the members have broken away, and some have remained underneath St. James's Church in Thornsby.

Their connection to the Apparites, however, is unclear, but they are involved with them in some way.

The Eyeglass

The company that was born out of Torchwood. They are from the far future where space travel to other worlds is a reality. But Eyeglass do not appreciate other alien cultures and see them as a threat to the Human race and will stop at nothing to erase whatever they don't like.

They are run by the General - a man who used to work for the Time Lords during the Time War. He was an highly intelligent being from far in the future. The Time Lords pumped him full of regenerative cells. If he was damaged his body would simply regenerate. Not like a normal Time Lord. He'd keep his face, but the damage would regenerate. They gave him is own TARDIS and he went off to battle them. 
He was the only survivor of the augmented beings and his TARDIS was damaged and unresponsive. He was lost and falling through the time vortex when he arrived in the time he is in now. He was angry at what the Time Lords had done to him and then realised he could use his power and knowledge to better the Human race. The humans could become as powerful as the Time Lords.

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